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<dk7ms> Ich schlage einen Vortrag zum Thema "Datenuebertragungsmoeglichkeiten im Amateurfunkdienst" vor.
Der vortragsbezogene Teil des CFP:
- Title: Datenuebertragung im Amateurfunk
- Subtitle: Moeglichkeiten Daten ohne Providerbindung per Funk zu uebertragen
- Abstract: An abstract of the event's content (max. 250 letters)
- Description: A longer and detailed description of the event's content (250 to 500 words)
- Please state if you are going to submit a paper to be included in the 22C3 Proceedings -> no
- Please state if you are going to use slides in your talk and in which format you are going to provide a copy -> Slides will be pdf or html
- Duration of your talk -> approx. 45 minutes
- Links to background information on the talk ->,
- Target Group: Beginners, Advanced Users
- Resources you need for your talk (Internet, digital projector, overhead projector, pens, assitant personal, presentation computer) -> dig. projector
- Related talks at 22C3 you know of (including previously submitted talks by yourself) -> Vortrag vom 21c3 zu Amateurfunk - Hobby mit Hackvalue
- A lecture logo, square format, min. 128x128 pixels (optional) -> chaoswelle.jpg